Friday, April 02, 2010


In the Universe, apart from human beings, there are stars, planets, five great elements, mountains, oceans, rivers, trees, animals, birds, insects, those living in water etc., and all of them except we humans, live in perfect harmony with the Universe.They function in a rhythm like the season. We humans alone stand aloof with the feeling of individuality. Added to this egoistic feeling we also claim to possess the power of thinking and reasoning.

The universe functions in a rhythm with the spirit of sacrifice (yagna). Seasonal rains and seasonal crops are the example. The ocean letting the formation of rain clouds, the rain clouds sacrificing the water content , a seed sacrificing itself to bring out a seedling/tree, are in the form of yagna in one way or other. This sacrificing nature is lacking in man. The selfishness refuses to yield to the nature's law of sacrifice. His feeling of individuality deprives him of the harmony which other beings enjoy. He has forgotten the demand that he should sacrifice for the welfare of the society as well as for the universe as a whole.

Man, instead of living in harmony, is afraid of nature or fight against Nature. He builds mansions and in the process cut trees, drive away the inhabitants in and around such as birds, small animals and insects, put an enclosure to keep them away - all because of his selfishness, ego and individuality. Birds and animals do not build mansions. They build their dwelling just sufficient to protect them from adverse weather and also for the safety of their off-springs. Man also needs such dwelling for the said purpose, but his luxury has no limitation.

Smoke emitting from giant industries, affect the natural protection of ozone layer. Man conducts experiments with explosives in the ocean adversely affecting the living beings there.To meet our selfish ends we fight and kill animals, birds and catch fishes. We boast ourselves that God has created everything for man.

We demark boundaries of the nation, keep armies, produce deadly weapons either to invade or to fight against invaders.We have established courts and police stations for the quarrels among ourselves.We have established educational institutions and hospitals without which other species live happily. We fill the mind with unwanted thoughts like the unwanted debris. We impose restrictions for the free movement of agricultural/industrial products from region to region. We put restrictions to travel from one nation to another. Constantly we are in fear of attacks from our own species. In the name of security we have put lot of restrictions around us.

Birds fly from one place to another in response to rhythm. Majority of the animals also wander from one area to another in the forest. Ocean-living species have free movement in the ocean. No other species hoard and trade on their wants. In the name of improving the living conditions we possess more and more materials. Our basic needs grow into wants, desires and greediness.

We are in constant fear of Nature and as a result we fight against it either in the form of offence or defence. We are afraid of havocs like earthquakes, psunami, lava, tornado etc. caused by elements. These are beyond man's control. There are man-made havocs like bombing in warfare or attacks from suicidal terrorists. Except man, other species come to know the natural calamities in advance by intuition and escape to safe places. Man has lost the power which other species possess. Probably man's fighting tendency against Nature has deprived him of that defence mechanism

Man has fogotten the language of the Heart. Only in a thoughtless mind the language of the heart shines. Man fills his mind and intellect with thoughts. Educational institutions/Religious institutions play a major part in filling him with concepts and thoughts. Thought is a disturbance. Man is in search of peace and is seeing inside and outside for it. He has not learnt the art of seeing from within i.e. insight which could only express his hear's language.Through the languag of the Heart he can find out the soul of the universe which in turn reveals the soul of God.Finally man realises that man's soul and that of God is one and the same; they are not two. " Jeevo Brahmiva napara" an adwaitic truth which brings him Peace.His fight against Nature ends. He starts living in harmony; He sees the source of both - himself and the Universe is one and the same.

Only ten percent of that Supreme Spirit projects as Universe and ninety percent shines within. ('Pathosya Viswa bhoodani')Only through philosophical inquiry this truth is revealed. Supreme Spirit expands to reveal the Universe as the Ocean expands to bring out the waves. Once man realises that the Soul of his Heart, the soul of the Universe and the soul of God has no distinction and they are one and the same he experiences harmony and peace within and with out.

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