Sunday, April 30, 2006



Taoism is a darsana like Vedanta darsana . Tao means WAY (known as Brahman in Vedanta). This system of philosophy originated in China and thereafter spread in Japan. In Japan this system is known as ZEN (a combination of Taoism and Buddhism). The sages of Taoism are very similar to Sufis and Siddhas of our land. They expressed themselves from the highest pedastal of Truth and never compromised to any level lower. The peak for the Vedantins (adwaithins) and Taoists is one and the same although both of them would have climbed the peak from different paths. Lao Tzu (6th centuery BC) is believed to be one of the great sages of Taoism. We may ponder over a few thoughts from Taoism and compare them with similar thoughts in vedanta:

'Kshara' and 'Akshara' (manifest and hidden) originate in 'Purushottama' as described in vedanta. Taoists say" 'the hidden and the manifest' are one; yet they diverge as they come forth ; the manifest is the gateway to the hidden."

Vedantins declare that kshara and akshara, apparently opposite, complement each other to bring out the Truth. Tao says "a thing and its opposite complement one another".

Vedantins say that Ego is something hiding the Self like the clouds hiding the sun. Tao says "ego is extraneous to human life, and leaving it behind, the wise reaches the centre of Life."

"Pratyagatmana maikshadhavartha chakshu" i.e. viewing inside, is the saying of a Upanishad. Tao says "if you are wise you should watch with the inner eye and not the outer eye."

Karma is only permissive and it appears (as if happening) on the base "adharam" i.e. abhasam appear on the adharam, vedanta declares so. Tao says "Way endures for ever. Events appear for the time being and sink back (e.g. waves and water)".

Our effort to be holy is ego's act and not a spontaneous one coming straight from Consciousness. This is the belief of vedantins. Tao says "Do not strive to be holy. Cast away all aspirations to be holy and wise. Need little and want little is the simple rule to follow to realise the WAY.

The origin of virtues is not in the phenomena. Virtue is inbuilt in Satyam which is the expression of non-phenomenon. Phenomenon stipulates dharma and achara based on 'ritam'. Both ritam and satyam have their origin in Param. Tao says "you will know virtue only by knowing the WAY. It is hard to define the kind of action that conforms the WAY.

Unity and not diversity or multiplicity, is advocated in Vedanta. Fullness "Anantham" is an epithet of Brahman. "Satyam, Gnanam, Anandham Brahma" thus the vedantins say. Tao explains 'wise people understand the unity of all things and know that unity consists in diversity.'

"Jeevo Brahmaiva napara" meaning Jeeva and Brahman are non-different - vedantins declare. Tao says "human beings adopt themselves to the earth, earth adopts itself to Heaven. Heaven adopts itself to the Way. The Way contains everything . Way is that which eternally is."

"Atma-sakshatkaram" - to know thyself - is advocated in vedanta. Tao declares "if you know yourself you are wise. If you know other people you are intelligent."

Moral laws are to be followed for chitta suddhy and they serve as a ladder to climb to the stage of realisation of the Absolute - this is the Vedantic standpoint. Tao put it this way "obedience to normal laws is the husk of truth. People with great mind want the kernel and not the husk; they want the fruit and not the flower."

"Mownam vakyanam" Baghavan Dakshinamoorthy, the first preceptor taught the truth in the language of silence. Tao says "I know the value of teaching that uses no words".

Being is the Ultimate Truth and Becoming (action implied) is only secondary. Tao declares "By following the Way you arrive at the place of inaction ; in that place nothing is done and nothing is undone."

When we hold fast to God there is nothing to fear - Ánanya chinthayantomam ye jana paryupasathe...Geetha declares so. Tao says "the world had beginning and the beginning is the Mother of everything. Hold fast to the Mother; then you have nothing to fear even from bodily decay and death."

The worldly life is temporal. Truth is eternal and this Truth has to be contemplated and meditated upon. - Vedanta. "To know the harmony is eternal. The way of life in a palace is not the WAY. To follow the Way is virtue. Tao.

Those who declare that they know, actually do not know; those who say that they do not know, they actually know"Yasyamatham, thasyamatham matham yasyna vedasa; avignatham vijanadam, vignana mavijanadam" thus declares the upanishad. Tao says "to know and yet to think you do not know is best; wise people know themselves; but do not display their knowledge."

Brahman is above duality; above all sankalpams of the mind - vedantha. Tao says 'all moral standards are inventions. WAY cannot be defined. Way is known only within".

Adwaitha is the Truth. At that state there are no opposites - vedanta says. Tao declares "the point at which there are no opposites is the pivot of the way; it is the centre of the circle. Wise people understand the unity of all that exists."

Vedantins admits 'determinism of events." Events happen as they should and not as we wish." Tao says 'accept all things as they are. One is born when he is due to be born; one dies when he is due to die.

"Samatwam Yoga uchyathe - Equanimity is Yoga" Accept sukha and dukka with equanimity of mind. If you desire success you will suffer. To avoid this suffering you must be indifferent to success and failure. Accept destiny with neither resentment nor elation -view of vedantha. Tao says "birth, death, failure, success, povery, wealth, honour, dishonour, praise, blame, cold, heat - all these come and go according to destiny. Do not allow the destiny to disturb your inner harmony; do not allow it to upset your mind. keep perfect balance.""Nothing happens that is not destined to happen. Wise people accept whatever destiny provides and want nothing apart from what destiny provides. They are thus in harmony with anything and everything. Do not aspire to be what you are not. Let everything run its course at its own pace."

Vedanta's view is: From agnanam to gnanam; from gnanam to tatwagnanam and from tatwa gnanam to Atma gnanam; from atma gnanam to Iswara-anuboodhy and from there to Brahmanuboodhy. These are the various expressions in one's progress towards realisation of Truth". Tao declares "Wisdom knowledge consists in being led by one's own inherent swaroopa - his reality. One must be able to hear oneself, able to see oneself. People who only hear and see others do those acts out of ego.

Being is the Truth. 'Becoming' as non-phenominon is the first epression and from there phenomenon brings forth action. No action can be conceived of in Being. Vedantha. Tao's view is "the Way of heaven is inactive (still); the way of humanity is to be active.

Realised persons need not necessarily conform to rules framed for lay men. They sometime mediate or they act. All the time their realisation of Truth is constant. vedanta. Tao's view is " the lives of wise people are a manifestation of heaven; when they are' still' they are like 'yin' and when they are moving they are like yang. (meaning - Akshara - Yin; Kshara-Yang.)

Unaction of Vedantins is their swaroopa. It is not action nor inaction. Tao says the inaction (meaning unaction) of heaven is its purity and the unaction of earth is its peace. Let purity and peace combine; and from unaction comes perfection.

Poornamatha poornamitham poornath - Fullness is the Truth. In fullness there is no action because there is no second to it. Tao's view :It is best to be still. In stillness and emptiness (fullness) there is Truth. In 'doing' we lose the understanding of Fullness.