Thursday, February 08, 2007


Ego has occupied a vital place in our life. The sense of 'Existence' is the play of Cosmic ego. The individual ego is a part of the Cosmic Ego, similar to a wavelet in the ocean . The individual ego which is exhibitting a sense of independence, forgetting the fact that it is a part of Cosmic Ego, is the problem. The Cosmic Ego, we should know, is an appearance, a creation of Maya, caused by Ishwara.

The individual ego (ahamkaram) forms part of each one's anthakaranam; the other constituents of anthakaranam, are mind, intellect and chittam. There also exists a Cosmic mind and Cosmic intelligence. There is, however, no Cosmic Chittam. The chittam with tendencies (vasanas) relates only to the anthakaranam of the individuals.

The Cosmic Ego entertains a sense of Existence i.e. 'I am'. The individual ego, in addition, projects a feeling of 'I am so and so' , i.e. the individual ego has both the sense of existence and the sense of individuality. The latter one, i.e. the sense of individuality (with a name and form) is termed as 'ahantai'. This 'ahantai' entertains a thought of possessing 'this and that', which is termed as 'mamatha'. Its attachment towards the body, is 'abhimana'. Thus, ahantai, mamatha, and abhimana, together, shape the individual ego.

Ego is the instigator of all actions. No action can be thought of, without ego. Ishwara who has created the Cosmic Ego, remains Ever Peaceful in His swaroopa , least affected by the actions caused through the Cosmic Ego. He remains as a Sakshy to all the doings through the Cosmic Ego.(Cosmic Ego is a creation of Ishwara, through Maya, for purpose best known to Him.) In the case of individual, while performing action, there arise likes and dislikes.This is due to the fact that the individual forgets the presence of Ishwara in him, assumes himself to be an independent entity and attaches himself to the ego's functioning. Consequently, he experiences likes and dislikes and pleasure and pain. He is not able to come out of the ego. The ego and its entertaining a sense of individuality and volition, are due to avidya (ignorance) about one's own 'real nature'. Thus, avidya (ignorance) is the root cause for the likes and dislikes and pleasure and pain.

We shall strive to shed our little ego, meaning, we shall come out of the shadow of claiming independent doership, and remain as a Sakshi, ( as Ishwara is). In that stage, the little ego merges with the Cosmic Ego, and our thoughts and actions transform to a higher status of selflessness expressing PEACE AND HARMONY. There won't be a feeling of doership or enjoyership in such actions . To sum up: "Separate yourself from the ego, and remain as a Sakshy, observing the ego's play."

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