Monday, May 22, 2006



There is a term "tapathrayam" in the vedantic texts. This term means three kinds of afflictions, one caused by elements , another caused by men/animals affecting the body and the third one caused internally such as diseases. Floods, vulcanos, storms are some of the calamities caused by elements. Accidents, bombing and killing, bites by animals fall under the second category. The third one is relating to diseases psychological and physiological. When we view them as a detached observer, we would realise that in our life , in one way or other, on some occasion or other, one has to face these afflictions. We have rather no control over the same.

The afflictions caused psychologically are subtle and at the same time grave and very difficult to be diaognosed and treated. Despite psychologists, clinical psychologists, psychatrists and counselers not to speak of those claiming spiritual/healing powers, mental tension is wide spread. Anxiety and fear are closely connected with tension. Fear connected with illness, anxiety over imaginary situations and anticipated results induce tension. Like certain bodily diseases mental tension is also genetically induced influenced by gunas.

We generally take medicines to cure our diseases, and diseases are cured. So also the psychological tension can be treated by a unique healing method. As we all know the instrument 'mind' is a flow of thoughts. Never does it dry up. Mind transmits stored up impressions from 'chittam' to the intellect where analysis take place and as a result action emanates. Similarly mind receives thoughts from outside. transmits the same to the intellect and the resultant analysis is stored in chittam as impressions (vasanas) In the functioning of the intellect there is disturbance from ego (feeling of individuality) which doesnt allow the intellect to take decision objectively. As a result the decisions we take are coloured by ego with its likes and dislikes. Self-interest is projected when action take placed based on the decisions of the coloured intellect. Every action based on such decision causes a reaction, fresh impressions enter the mind, coloured intellect 'okes' it and the impressions are stored in chittam as fresh vasanas. This is a vicious circle - vasanas from chittam enter the mind, from mind to intellect; interference from ego; wrong decisions by intellect coloured by ego; selfish action with likes/dislikes; reactions; fresh impressions enter the mind; from there to the intellect already coloured by ego, fresh impressions are sent to chittam - the storehouse of vasanas.

In the course of the above process, tension arises when mind faces reaction. This is something similar to our throwing a stone against a ego-wall and it boomerangs. Ego, the mischief maker always wants to protect its interest even at the cost of the interest of others.We cannot avoid action and the impressions already stored in chittam as prarabdham are to be exhausted through action only. But the interference of ego can be checked by brushing it aside and connecting the intellect with the ultimate power - call it by any name - God, Ishwara, Consciousness etc.The decisions taken by the intellect in the light of consciousness projects as action and not activity to create a reaction. Such actions wont be coloured by rag-dwesha Even we would start viewing our body in a detached way. In such a state, fear and anxiety have no place. The technique of bringing in the Supreme Power to our rescue is the most important factor to reduce tension. First of all, we should have trust in that Power and then we should constantly remember that power which guides the intellect in the proper d irection. Actually the intellect is only a ray of that Supreme all pervading Light. We have only to take care that it is not obstructed or coloured by ego. Diseases may affect us, accidents may come, or sometimes we may be affected by natural calamities . In whatever situations we are, we should have the conviction about the presence of God and this God-thought erase our tension completely. God doesnt interfere to change the events; but He does help with His ray of light to erase the ego and give us strength to view the events as a witness, whether the events are pleasurable or painful. Fill the mind with God-thought and free yourself from tension.

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